Diabetes Disorder
The metabolic disorder that does not allow processed food to be converted into energy or growth properly is called diabetes. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the body but diabetes causes glucose to back up in the bloodstream. If this glucose remains in the blood and is not absorbed in to the body as it needs to, abnormally high levels of blood glucose or high blood sugar levels as it is also known as, occur.
There are two main types of the condition; both are discussed briefly in this article. Juvenile onset diabetes is called type one and usually, but not always, affects children and young adults and is where the body's production of insulin has ceased; this means insulin must be given to the diabetic on a daily basis for them to live. Insulin helps glucose enter the body's cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for future use. The second type is called adult onset diabetes and happens later in life; the body is still producing insulin but there is a problem with its production or use, but fortunately this type can be treated with a special diet.
We all eat foods that are rich in energy which the body uses to convert into sugar for energy like pasta, potatoes, bread, rice and fruit. Having high levels of glucose in your blood that is not entering the cells will over long periods, cause a number of serious conditions including blindness, amputations, heart and kidney conditions. However, it is possible to manage diabetes by maintaining a strict health regime; some of these conditions can be slowed down whilst others can even be stopped. To manage your condition well, ensure you take your medication; but this means sticking to your medication, watching your blood sugar, cholesterol and to stop smoking!
It also means that you will need to keep your weight relatively stable within a prescribed range which should also help to reduce your blood pressure to within tolerable limits. Diabetes once recognized in the sufferer will be with them for the rest of their lives; in the United States there are reports of it affecting over two and a half percent of the population. The frightening thing is that it is estimated that at least the same number of people has this condition but just don't know it yet; there are more than 600,000 new cases every year so the situation is worsening. It is believed that as many as 320,000 diabetics die each year in America whilst only 34,000 of those actually die directly from the condition itself.
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